How To Be More Creative With Your Style

When I was growing up all my friends and family would constantly come to me with the same question…

“Hey Jason, I really want to amp up my style…Any advice?”

My answer hasn’t changed much from being a young kid to a young professional.

Get Ready For It

My #1 piece of advice is to invest in at least one unique item you absolutely love that can bring life and personality to any outfit.

For those of you who don’t know already, there is a pretty popular decluttering method called the KonMari method.

Long story short, it basically means picking up an object and thinking about whether or not it brings you joy. If it does… it’s a keeper. If not it’s time to pass it on.

For me, sneakers will always be my thing, but don’t be afraid to think outside the box.

Whether you are a fellow sneakerhead like me or sunnies are more your thing, keep on doing you!

Here’s another little secret.

I’m human (gasp I know!) and some situations can make me feel a little nervous.

If I am going to a networking event and am not feeling myself, I can always count on my favorite sneaks to boost my confidence and get me excited to take on the day.

Well, there you have it. That’s my advice. What’s yours? Would love to know in the comments.



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